myOpal is Opal’s Natural Medicine platform that helps you understand and monitor your own health, regardless of your health challenges.

Starting at the root of health, nutrition, myOpal shows you what your body needs in order to maintain wellness or turn back the clock on chronic illness. MyOpal uses data from your body - NOT generalized recommendations - to show you areas of concern, nutritional deficiencies, and what nutritional and natural medicines may be right for you.

Data-driven Nutritional Medicine

MyOpal is different. We understand that using Nutritional Medicine isn’t as easy as eating a healthy diet – it requires knowledge not only about nutrients and specific health issues but knowledge about your unique body and how it uses nutrients.

Modular Medicine

MyOpal is built in modules so you can focus on your own individual health concerns. Though the roots of a vast majority of chronic illness can be traced to nutrition and genetics, different health conditions require different nutritional focus. MyOpal provides testing not only of your Primary Care – basic nutritional health - but testing and recommendations in modules to focus on how these nutrients work in specific prescriptions for your health concerns.

Self-Care for Real Health Improvement

The myOpal platform is designed to give you results you can use immediately.

There are 3 ways to work with the information provided by myOpal:

On your own. The data is clearly presented, and a plan is provided to guide you on how best to move forward with the recommendations.

With your provider. A good primary care provider will be interested in working with you on your nutritional health. You will be able to share your plan and results and create powerful support for any health concerns you are encountering.

With Opal consults. Consults can be scheduled with your Opal care doctor to provide an in-depth explanation of your recommendations. Consults are 20 minutes and can be ordered through myOpal.

Future Modules -
coming soon

Beyond Opal’s Primary Care Module, which is required for fundamental health, Opal guides you in creating your own unique dashboard - pulling in the modules and metrics you need to address.  Detoxification pathways, sleep, weight, brain, blood sugar - all part of the journey towards wellness.

Opal modules connect as a whole, so every point of focus affects and improves every other.

A majority of these tests can be ordered through Opal and completed at home - without lab scheduling or doctor’s visits.

Blood Sugar

Ready to take a step toward better health?

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